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Polite Dissent!

bus journeys.

28 September 2012 ;23:51

"If seeds in the black earth can turn into such beautiful roses, what might not the heart of man become in its long journey toward the stars?"
//G.K. Chesterton

This week, I had a moment of deep realisation and it kinda changed my perspective on some things. Maybe it sounds like a cliche and it probably is, but when you're in need of epiphanies, something trivial can have great impact on how you see everything. And that's how it happened for me. 

She told me that when her mom explained the analogy to her, it just sounded plain ridiculous. But now it makes a lot of sense. 

Her mom said that life is like a bus journey. After you get on and choose a seat, different people come up and take the seat next to yours. Sometimes you enjoy the person who is next to you, sometimes you don't, sometimes no one sits next to you. As the bus meanders along to different stops, some people get off and new people get on. Sometimes these people stay on the bus for a really long time, sometimes these people get off after a few stops. So nobody is really constant in the same spot, the people on the bus keep changing, but the bus driver keeps on chugging along, bringing you to the end of life's journey. 

And for some reason, this analogy, cliched as it may be, really hit me hard. That the truth is, people in my life will come and go. Some may stay for a short while, some may stay for a lot longer. The only thing I can do is to be as good a friend as I can be to the people who are around me in that season of my life and then hope that they go on to better things, better people who can take better care of them. 

Lord, it's not an easy lesson. But I will learn it and put it in my heart for years and years to come. 

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