in the midst of the CNY visiting and feasting and sharing, you gave me a verse which resonated with me. love the Lord your God with all of your heart, with all of your soul, with all of your strength and with all of your mind. and I was so touched when SS confirmed it by talking about this verse while sharing with me her own journey through heartache and waiting. and I see again your hand in my pain, taking me through the moulding as you are making me more like you.
in the midst of the CNY visiting and feasting and sharing, you gave me a verse which resonated with me. love the Lord your God with all of your heart, with all of your soul, with all of your strength and with all of your mind. and I was so touched when SS confirmed it by talking about this verse while sharing with me her own journey through heartache and waiting. and I see again your hand in my pain, taking me through the moulding as you are making me more like you.