"Wait for the man that puts in the time, heart and effort to pursue you. How can he do that if you're throwing it at him? Be secure enough in yourself and your Father that you don't need to throw your heart around and give it away to any man who winks at you. Be a woman, secure in God, satisfied in herself and her life. Give yourself to knowing God, give yourself to loving others and he will come along side of you. You will never have to strive to make him like you, to make him talk to you. He will already be a man in pursuit of your heart without your help." //teenscanrelate.tumblr.com Something I'm learning and relearning in this season of my life. That I'm good enough, that I'm worth it.
"Wait for the man that puts in the time, heart and effort to pursue you. How can he do that if you're throwing it at him? Be secure enough in yourself and your Father that you don't need to throw your heart around and give it away to any man who winks at you. Be a woman, secure in God, satisfied in herself and her life. Give yourself to knowing God, give yourself to loving others and he will come along side of you. You will never have to strive to make him like you, to make him talk to you. He will already be a man in pursuit of your heart without your help." //teenscanrelate.tumblr.com Something I'm learning and relearning in this season of my life. That I'm good enough, that I'm worth it.