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Polite Dissent!


29 October 2012 ;00:49

"Strength and honor are her clothing; She shall rejoice in time to come. She opens her mouth with wisdom, and on her tongue is the law of kindness ... Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Honour her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate."
//Proverbs 31:25-26, 30-31

How funny it is that I shared this verse with someone whom I thought needed it two months ago, when the person who really needed it all along was me. So I really liked the location of BFF and their pancakes so I brought them there for lunch on Saturday since the rest of the sisters were gonna be busy the whole day. And I think I was really impacted by some of the things they shared with me over lunch, by the words they spoke into my life that day. 

I think it's true that I've been living my life with reference to the wrong things, that I've been blindsided by what the world thinks is important and necessary. That I've almost had a sort of tunnel vision just because of a perspective I heard so long ago, and have forgotten to broaden my viewpoint to include the qualities that are truly significant. 

And when they told me that, it was as if the mist that I've been struggling with for so long finally lifted. 

Because when I look around me, I suddenly realise that I do see so many things that are worthy of pursuit, so many qualities that are worthy of my desire. That in the past few months alone, I've met people with so much strength of character, depth of wisdom, grace and mercy that is beyond me. I've met people who shepherd and serve without calling attention to themselves, people who never ask to be taken care of but are always looking out for others, people who are always ready to speak love and encouragement into hopeless situations. 

And when I think of all these people, I realise that I've really been struggling with something that is peripheral to who I am. That I've loved and esteemed the things that are fleeting and deceptive, which I've never really needed all along. 

So I'm starting over again, beginning from scratch. Stepping into another season of my life, in pursuit of the things that should really matter. 

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