Today was the first time in a long while that I've been back to changi village. We drove past the same roads, walked through the same places, saw past the same scenery; and the things that come back to me waver between the happy times that we've had here and the last memory that I had of this place. Everything seems familiar yet far away. And I wonder, how long more Lord, how long more before you turn my weeping into joy? How long more before the memories stay still and turn into dust? And then you say three times to me, you will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are stayed on you because they trust in you. Trusting in you means staying committed to you, leaning on you and hoping confidently in you. And I say, if this is your will, then let the ruins come to life in the beauty of your name and let my soul find refuge in you. So, be still my soul and wait upon the Lord.
Today was the first time in a long while that I've been back to changi village. We drove past the same roads, walked through the same places, saw past the same scenery; and the things that come back to me waver between the happy times that we've had here and the last memory that I had of this place. Everything seems familiar yet far away. And I wonder, how long more Lord, how long more before you turn my weeping into joy? How long more before the memories stay still and turn into dust? And then you say three times to me, you will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are stayed on you because they trust in you. Trusting in you means staying committed to you, leaning on you and hoping confidently in you. And I say, if this is your will, then let the ruins come to life in the beauty of your name and let my soul find refuge in you. So, be still my soul and wait upon the Lord.