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Polite Dissent!

sushi tei lunch!

4 April 2009 ;18:32

"Happiness does not come from doing easy work but from the afterglow of satisfaction that comes after the achievement of a difficult task that demanded our best."
//Theodore I. Rubin

yay and the big, bad moots is FINALLY OVER. you cannot imagine the stress, the pain and the sheer torture of preparing for it but the moment when we were standing at the podium, and we knew exactly what to say to the judges when they shot questions at us made it all worth it. it's really really awesome that jojo (and justice vik!) were there all the way throughout the moots. really don't know what i would have done without them :)

and we celebrated by having dinner at ikea with chris and K-BOX the next day! haha, it really felt like a great burden off our hearts laa. i actually went to sleep thinking about how to answer a question about martha's television screen and woke up the next day with the answer hahaha.

and then we had the free much-anticipated lunch with prof at sushi tei! the funniest thing was that the day before, jojo was troubled over what to wear to the lunch hahaha. then while we were shopping at far east, i saw the perfect top and she was saying nooo nooo lor, i'm not going to wear it tmr. and ta-dah the next day, she's wearing it for the lunch la. tsk tsk, jojo, haha.
but i'm really happy with my first mooting experience! and most of all, i'm just glad that it's all over :)

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